Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today I finally bit the bullet and got Charla registered for kindergarten. I was supposed to do this back in January, however, the day registration was held I couldn't get out of work early. Tim called to give the school her name and I was supposed to stop in on my day off to finish filling out some paperwork. I had excuse after excuse each week about why I didn't go in: my morning sickness was too bad, I forgot, I didn't have time, I got called in to work, etc. Honestly, I think I was postponing because registering her meant this was really going to happen. My baby girl is really going to be starting kindergarten in the fall. She has really turned 5 years old and the separation process, which both excites and saddens me, has officially begun. Now that it's done I don't feel too bad about it. In fact, it feels a bit like a weights been lifted from my shoulders. Maybe that's because I won't have Tim asking me each week if I registered her or maybe it's because somewhere in the back of my mind I'm looking forward to this new stage in my daughter's life.

As I get ready to usher one child out into big-kid land, I'm getting ready to welcome a new child into our home. I had my 30 week appointment today and everything is looking great with Mallory. I've been consistently measuring 1 1/2 weeks ahead of my due date, her heartbeat is strong and all the little kicks, punches and stretches I feel tell me that she's getting big. I cannot believe I only have 7-10 more weeks before I get to meet my baby girl. This time is going to go so fast and I still have so much to do. I was much more prepared when I was pregnant with Charla. I'm pretty sure by 30 weeks I had her nursery all set up and the majority of baby items in place and ready to go, she was born 6 weeks later! This time around, I have nothing. June will have to be my month of baby preparation. I'm hoping with a decrease in hours at work and the impending due date, I'll figure out how to get my butt into gear.